Parivaar in 2023 : A Resume

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Parivaar in 2023 : A Resume
We present below in brief the salient features of our work during the CY 2023.
1. The two free residential campuses in District 24 Parganas (South) in West Bengal (in operatuon for two decades now) continue to function strongly with about 2000 resident children ( 1012 boys & 952 girls) from vulnerable and destitute backgrounds from several districts of Wesr Bengal and Jharkhand.
Around 300 to 400 more children expected be admitted in the new year.
2. Our free residential institution for children in Dewas district in MP from extremely impoverished adivasi pockets in (started in December 2021) has scaled to about 850 children (boys and girls), from 8 districts of Madhya Pradesh
Around 300 to 500 more children expected to be admitted in this campus in the new year.
3. Our free residential institution in Sehore district (started in July 2022) has about 200 children from tribal pockets of 5 districts of MP
Around 300 more children expected be admitted in this campus in the new year.
4. Additionally, the two free hostels for children from Adivasi backgrounds (one each for boys and girls) continue to run in Mandla for a total of about 200 children.
5. Seva Kutirs (supplementary education and nutrition program) running in 679 interior rural and tribal villages in 15 districts in Madhya Pradesh. They cater to about 50 thousand children around half of which are girls.
6. Vision Restoration Program (Parivaar Shravan Kumar Prakalpa)
A total of 1612 camps were held during the year. The number of patients served with general examination, medicines and spectacles in these camps is 1.61 Lac and surgeries conducted were 15.75 thousand.
7. The total number of Ambulances functioning in impoverished tribal and other high-deprivation blocks has been about 100 in 24 districts (24*7 service). They have catered to 71 thousand persons during the year, – a fairly significant number of these cases were life-criticial.
8. In this year, about 15 Mobile Clinics served in impoverished tribal pockets of 8 districts in MP. The number of patients served under this service in the year has been 4.15 Lac.
9. The number of Sevavratees (dedicated workforce) Parivaar has in all as on date is about 3800.
All this work has been possible due to continued support and good wishes from a large number of people.
Roadmap for 2024
1. We intend to set up new residential campuses in a few other districts in MP.
2. We intend to set up about 200 Seva Kutirs in districts of Alirajpur (having lowest literacy rate in the country) and Barwani.
3. We also intend to set up Mobile Clinics in 2 tribal districts of Chhatisgarh.
4. We also intend to make a beginning in setting up some Seva Kutirs (supplementary education and nutrition centres) in Purba Singhbhum district of Jharkhand and in some select impoverished adivasi pockets in Chhatisgarh.
Parivaar @ 20 : Twenty years of dedicated and rigorous humanitarian service
To contribute please see
Yours in service,
Parivaar Sevavratees
Blessed are those whose bodies get destroyed in the service of others.
— Swami Vivekananda

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