Milestone of 2500 eye camps reached

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We are glad to inform that we achieved the milestone of 2500 eye camps. This has taken less than 20 months (18th June 21 to 30th Jan 2023). The camp locations were spread across some of the poorest pockets in 34 districts in Madhya Pradesh & 1 each in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. As the map indicates districts having big cities like Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur etc are the ones left out.
Total Districts Covered : 36
Total Camps Organized : 2,506
Total Patients Served with Medication, Glasses & General Examination : 3,73,291
Total Patients Operated (Cataract & Retina Surgeries ) : 44,367
Three main collaboraing hospitals were Sadguru Ranchhoddas Seva Sangh Trust ar Chitrakoot and Vidisha, and Sankara Eye Hospital Indore. All surgeries, examinations, medications, glasses and transporation / meals etc were done free of cost.

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