Team Parivaar

In the Charminar City : Parivaar (Bengal) Boys and Girls travel to Hyderabad to play Basketball

In the Charminar City : Parivaar (Bengal) Boys and Girls travel to Hyderabad to play Basketball A contingent of 10 boys and 10 girls from Parivaar Bengal residential institutions travelled to Hyderabad where they played several matches against different teams in a tournament organised by Hi5 Life Foundation. They were accompanied by the coaches and In the Charminar City : Parivaar (Bengal) Boys and Girls travel to Hyderabad to play Basketball

Milestone of 10 Lac (1 million) patients reached through Parivaar Mobile Medical Clinics in interior tribal areas.

Milestone of 10 Lac (1 million) patients reached through Parivaar Mobile Medical Clinics in interior tribal areas. Under this service, a doctor and an attendant travel acriss a predetermined circuit of villages each day (6 days a week) and cater to primary ailments, provide medication, and also help in identofying critical or chrnoic diseases which Milestone of 10 Lac (1 million) patients reached through Parivaar Mobile Medical Clinics in interior tribal areas.

Parivaar receives the 2nd Position in Social Leadership Awards

Parivaar receives the 2nd Position in Social Leadership Awards presented by Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 7th December. The award was received by our senior Sevavratee and Governing Body member Smt. Sandhya Nag and Chief Coordinator of Parivaar Bengal Shri Pratik Dutta.Parivaar@20 : Twenty years of dedicated and rigorous

Magical 4 Day Camp st Parivaar Sandalpur (MP) campus

We are thrilled to inform that we had a scintillating 3 days at our Sandalpur (MP) Residential Institution, during the last week of November. This camp (Learning Beyond) was organized by a unique group that is truly extraordinary – “Our Children” (, which is a more than 50 years old organization from Mumbai, constituted of Magical 4 Day Camp st Parivaar Sandalpur (MP) campus

Come rain, come shine

Come rain, come shine – Parivaar sevavratees go from hamlet to hamlet for child inquiry in field areas of some of the most impoverished adivasi pockets in Bengal, and also surveyed large number of children from contiguous areas of Jharkhand.We hope to admit some 300 resident children (both boys and girls) in coming few months.Parivaar Come rain, come shine

Deepawali and Bhratri Dwitiya (Bhai Dooj / Bhai Phota) at Parivaar.

This was the 20th celebration of Deepawali at Parivaar Bengal residential instititions – the first one was in a small rented building. We have also have a tradition of Bhai Dooj (Bhai Phota) that involves not just girls and boys but also female and male Sevavratees.Parivaar@20

Durga Puja Excursions at Parivaar Bengal

During the Durga Puja time, while majorrity of our resident children visit their villages, homes, relatives, still, there are every year around 100 children who stay at Parivaar only – some have Parivaar as their only home and for a few others their guardians / relatives cannot take them owing to their work as migrant Durga Puja Excursions at Parivaar Bengal

Milestone of 2 Lac patients served under our free 24*7 Ambulance Services

We launched our free 24*7 Ambulance Services in extremely remote and poor tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh in June 2021, just after the second wave of the Pandemic. We reached the milestone of 2 lakh cases by 30th September, 2023 (2,06,710 to be exact). There are 100 such ambulances operating at present in 24 districts Milestone of 2 Lac patients served under our free 24*7 Ambulance Services

Parivaar boys ‘fly’ to Delhi after winning Reliance Foundation All Bengal Basketball tournament

Parivaar boys ‘fly’ to Delhi after winning Reliance Foundation All Bengal Basketball tournamentIn another feather in the sporting cap of Parivaar Basketball players, our U-14 team won 8 out of 9 matches (including final) and went ro play at the Inter-State competition in Delhi.There were 147 schools from West Bengal in the tournament.Our team defeated Parivaar boys ‘fly’ to Delhi after winning Reliance Foundation All Bengal Basketball tournament

Two Parivaar boys (Amir Hembram and Ashok Sardar) played in the All India Basketball Tournament (U-13) held in Puducherry

Two Parivaar boys (Amir Hembram and Ashok Sardar) played in the All India Basketball Tournament (U-13) held in Puducherry, representing West Bengal. lThe Bengal team won 3 out 4 games to reach Quarterfinals but lost at that stage. Amir was a major scorer for the team.Amir is from a village in Jharkhand and Ashok from Two Parivaar boys (Amir Hembram and Ashok Sardar) played in the All India Basketball Tournament (U-13) held in Puducherry