Alirajpur – the most deprived district in India

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The Niti Ayog has noted Alirajpur district on the south-western fringe of Madhya Pradesh as the poorest and the most deprived district in whole of the country.
It has close to 90 percent tribal population mainly comprising the Bhil communiy. It also has an extremely low literacy rate at 37 percent.
Recently, BBC also did an article on Alirajpur link of which is given below:
Parivaar is already doing extensive service in Alirajpur
Parivaar has been operating ten- 24*7 free ambulances, 2 Mobile Health Clinics and conducting managing free eye camps enabling the poor eldelry to have their vision back.
We also have more than 100 children, both boys and girls, admitted to Parivaar’s free residential institutions.
We are also on way to develop a seoarate large residential educational campus in Alirajpur.
Our Ten 24*7 Free Ambulance Service covers the following Tehsils : Udaigarh, Katthiwada, Jobat, Sondwa, Alirajpur and Bhabra ( Chandra Shekhar Azad Nagar)
They have served around 16 thousand persons since their deployment.
Our 2 Free Daily Mobile Health Clinics cover tehsils of Katthiwada and Sondwa that cover a circuit of 62 villages
More than 38 thousand patients have been served through these clinics.
To continue serving the poorest of poor Parivaar nèeds continuous support. To contribute please see
Parivaar@20 : Twenty Years of service in mission-mode

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